Some of the intriguing facts of why workflow is used rather than plain pl/sql is due to following reasons,
- Simplicity of the solution
- Easier to develop separate small activities(procedure) instead of single big one.
- Easy for future re-usability by just changing the Workflow activities
- Easier to change the order of processing by moving the activities
- Saving time by just moving the activities
- and most interestingly, Visible solution to provide an overview of business process.
Workflow Upload Errors
Sometimes uploading/saving a workflow to the database may cause constraint errors as below,
- 1602: Could not save.
- 1400: Could not save to database. MODE=UPGRADE EFFDATE=
- 1401: Could not upload ACTIVITY entity 'POAPPRV/POAPPRV_TOP'.
- 210: Oracle Error: ORA-00001: unique constraint (APPLSYS.WF_PROCESS_ACTIVITIES_U2) violated
ORA-01403: no data found
ORA-06512: at "APPS.WF_LOAD", line 1988
ORA-06512: at line 1
. SQL text: BEGIN WF_LOAD.UPLOAD_PROCESS_ACTIVITY(:process_item_type, :process_name, :process_version, :activity_item_type, :activity_name, :instance_id, :instance_label, :protect, :custom, :start_end, :default_result, :icon_geometry, :perform_role, :perform_role_type, :user_comment, :level_error); END;
So to avoid these kind of errors we need to remove the workflow from the database and then re-load the workflow.
Offending rows are found by
This takes ItemType as the parameter.
Now upload the workflow from the command line with the following command,
WFLOAD apps/apps@
UPLOAD - honors both protection and customization level of the workflow
UPGRADE - honors only protection level of data
FORCE - FORCE upload regardless of protection or customization levels.
Hiding 'Request Information' button in an Email Notification
Sometimes you may need to hide the Request Information button for an Email-notification according to client business requirements. For this oracle had provided a special message attribute with the internal name #HIDE_MOREINFO to hide the Request Information button in the notification details page.
Usually when users view a notification that require a response from their worklist page, the response region in the notification details page includes the Request Information button by default. If you want to prevent users from requesting more information about a notification, you can add #HIDE_MOREINFO attribute to control whether the Request Information button is displayed or hidden.
The #HIDE_MOREINFO attribute must be either of type text or Lookup added to the associated message. To hide Request Information button, set the value of this attribute to Y as below. To display the Request Information button, set the value to N.
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